南茜朱兒之馬洛伊城堡 Nancy Drew The Haunting of Castle Malloy 英文正式版
洛伊古堡以它特有的被毀壞的穹頂,一直被喻為愛爾蘭最浪漫的旅遊勝地.西蒙斯 馬洛伊
作為nancy drew,從雜亂無章的線索和讓人心驚膽顫的迷信中找出事實的真相?你會從
Find the missing groom before the luck of the Irish runs out! Kyler Malloy has
invited you as Nancy Drew to her wedding at Castle Malloy in Ireland. When Nancy
arrives the groom is missing! Did he get cold feet or has the banshee rumored to
haunt the castle taken him to the Otherworld? Find Kyler's fiance before her
wedding is ruined and he's lost forever!
南茜朱兒 致命儀器 Nancy Drew The Deadly Device 英文正式版(AVG冒險遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
南茜朱爾之旋風追蹤 Nancy Drew Trail Of The Twister 英文正式版(2CD)
南茜朱爾 七船之贖 Nancy Drew Ransom Of The 7 Ships 英文正式版(冒險遊戲軟體)(2CD)
南茜.朱爾 禁錮 Nancy Drew The Captive Curse 英文正式版(DVD版)(AVG冒險遊戲遊戲軟體)
南茜.朱爾的卷宗 Nancy Drew Dossier Light Camera Curses 英文正式版(AVG 冒險遊戲軟體)
南茜.朱兒:南茜秘史 Nancy Drew Secrets Can Kill Remastered 英文正式版(南茜.朱兒:南茜秘史AVG 冒險遊戲軟體)
南茜朱爾檔案 訴諸危險 Nancy Drew Dossier Resorting To Danger 英文正式版(AVG 冒險遊戲軟體)